Diversity in the Workplace

When speaking about diversity in the workplace many immediately turn to negative thoughts. For most this stems from inaccurate preconceived notions. There are many positive reasons for employers to strongly consider minorities when interviewing and hiring. First being that it helps increase your pool of candidates. After all, how can you find the ideal candidate if you’re not even considering his or her demographic?


Skilled trades are one area in particular currently experiencing staffing shortages across the country. This is only expected to increase over time. Skills Canada has estimated that one million skilled trade workers will be needed by 2020. Looking at minorities can help fill this need. Canada’s Indian and Northern Affairs office reports that the Aboriginal labour force is young and growing at twice the Canadian rate. This shows the Aboriginal Peoples population in Canada will soon represent a significant percentage of the labour force. And many of these workers are skilled and currently looking for work. Have you been missing out on these skilled workers because your company isn’t focused on diversity?

The best place to start when trying to diversify your workforce is by looking at your company policies. Take diversity into consideration with all of your company policies; from holidays to how complaints will be handled. The policies of a diverse workplace should comply with all human rights legislation, be anti-discriminatory and promote equal opportunity. A company’s policies are a statement of their values. If you intend to be diverse this needs to be a core value of the company.

Once you have created a diverse skilled workforce you need to make sure you retain them. By having a focus of diversity you can help increase your employee retention rate. Employees who feel they are being represented and their needs considered are more likely to stay with an organization. Finding these skilled workers is important but making sure they feel like they belong will help you keep them. Value all of your employees and they will return the favour with hard work and loyalty.

This ultimately can lead to better client service. Having a diverse workforce allows you and your team to have first hand understanding of different cultures. Reaching into new, possibly untapped markets in your community can also allow you to attract new clients. New clients and first hand knowledge of their needs gives your company advantages to grow in totally new ways. Without having to leave the community your company is already apart of.

A diverse workforce also fosters an environment for unique problem solving. Employees in diverse workforces come from varying backgrounds, giving the team many sets of very different eyes to look at a problem. Working together their ideas can combine to find the best possible solution and likely faster. Problem solving isn’t the only area to which this can apply. Innovation is another area that can benefit greatly from having a diverse workforce.  Making the workplace comfortable for all your diverse workers can help give them the security to speak about new ideas for improvements or changes to increase productivity.

Hopefully this encourages you to take a look at your company. Review your policies and workforce and ask yourself “are we a diverse workplace?”

When your ready to move forward with looking at the great prospects a diverse workforce can offer contact us. And let us help you find your next great employee.


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