2014 Christmas season

As the Christmas season approaches; we all require time for reflection. At Wawaskonese ManPower Services, we would like to thank everyone for their assistance and support in our first few months of operation. We wish everyone health and happiness throughout this season of joy!

How to Follow Up on an Application

So, you finally got the application finished. Your cover letter has no grammar or spelling errors. Your resume highlights how amazing of an applicant you are. And you’ve addressed the application to the right person, submitting it using their preferred method. You’ve done everything you can, now you just sit and wait for the call […]

How to Write a Cover Letter

Part Two: Writing The Cover Letter To Get The Interview We have finally reached the last stage in the resume writing process. But don’t take this step lightly. I’m talking about writing is the cover letter. One of the reasons I suggest writing the cover letter last is because you have already developed a voice […]

How to Write a Resume

Part Two: Writing The Resume Now that you have done the work to prepare for writing your resume it’s time to sit down and actually write it. Remember to keep in mind the goal of your resume is to get you the interview. Pause after each section and reread it slowly, will this pique the […]

How to Write a Resume

Part One: The Work Before The Writing                             A resume, by definition, is a short, point-form write up that gives potential employers a brief outline of your work experience, education and skills. The goal of any resume is to make sure you […]