Tips for job hunting while employed

Depending on the circumstances and how eager you are to move on from your current job, searching for new work can be risky. Your current employer may become upset if they find out you are planning to leave and you could be leaving much sooner than you can afford. There is nothing wrong with wanting […]

Finding Passion In Your Work

Most people need to work to make money to live.  That’s just a fact of life.  Having a job doesn’t have to be just working for the sake of getting by or obtaining wealth.  We all want happiness in life and part of that can be discovering your passions and making changes in your career […]

The Minimum Wage

This week’s blog is on a considerable hot topic of the moment. From McDonald’s workers in Florida protesting it to a campaign in British Columbia wishing to raise it, everyone is talking about it. The minimum wage. The general minimum wage in Ontario is currently set at $11/hour. There are those fighting for its increase […]

Cultural Awareness in the Workplace

Early March I wrote a post titled Diversity in the Workplace. In summary it focused on the pros of having a diverse workforce and filling employment gaps with a diverse range of workers. “Canada’s Indian and Northern Affairs office reports that the Aboriginal labour force is young and growing at twice the Canadian rate. This […]

Invest in Your Workers

“The secret of my success is that we have gone to exceptional lengths to hire the best people in the world.” – Steve Jobs For most employers this quote is true. We go to job fairs, spend countless hours interviewing new potential employees, and some have whole departments assigned to the task of hiring. The […]

Aboriginal Cultural Awareness Training

  Our Aboriginal Cultural Awareness training workshop is designed to assist organizations and individuals increase their understanding, awareness and knowledge of Aboriginal Peoples and their culture. The goal of our workshop is to provide the opportunity for participants to gain the expertise to work toward a respectful workplace environment. Your organization may qualify for funding […]

Canada – Ontario Job Grant

Canada-Ontario Job Grant provides an opportunity for employers and organizations to invest in their workforce, with help from the government. The Job Grant will provide direct financial support to employers who wish to purchase training for their employees. It will be available to small, medium and large businesses with a plan to deliver short-term training […]

Spring Cleaning Part Two: To-Do Lists

Spring is officially here and hopefully you have had a chance to clean out the office. So now is the time to implement the procedures you will use to help keep yourself organized! At the end of the last blog post I mentioned having file folders for days of the week to help keep papers […]