Wawasakonese ManPower Services looks to lead the way in assisting the transition from education to joining the work forces of growing Northern Ontario industries. Offering services to both Job Seekers and Employers, we focus on bridging the gap between industry and workforce by connecting companies with the right people to get the job done. We are an Aboriginal owned and operated business with a community focus, rooted in Ontario’s First Nations.
View our News page to see all of our posts regarding company news.
Our Aboriginal Cultural Awareness training workshop is designed to assist organizations and individuals increase their understanding, awareness and knowledge of Aboriginal Peoples and their culture. The goal of our workshop is to provide the opportunity for participants to gain the expertise to work toward a respectful workplace environment. Your organization may qualify for funding […]
At Wawasakonese ManPower Services, we look to lead the way in assisting Aboriginal job seekers in the transition from education to joining the work forces of growing Northern Ontario industries. For more information on how we are leaders in our community, please view our leadership page.
Wawasakonese ManPower Services focuses on diversity as a core part of it’s business. We seek to provide training opportunities and allocate First Nations workers into jobs where they will succeed. Visit the diversity section of our website for more information.
We partner with local businesses and organizations to reach our companies goals while providing the best possible fit for our clients and Employer Members. Visit the partnerships section of our website for more information. If you would like to become a partner of Wawasakonese ManPower Services, please contact us.
Partnership Inquiries & Questions